Join the Creeper Jeepers Gang


Membership runs from June-1 to May-31. Dues of $40.00 per family are due yearly by May 31st. New members may join at any time.

Benefits of Being a Member…

A portion of the club’s dues goes for memberships into the Colorado Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs, Inc., the Colorado Off Highway Vehicle Coalition and the United Four-wheel Drive Association. The Creeper Jeepers Gang also supports the Blue Ribbon Coalition, the Nation’s premier recreation advocacy organization, and Tread Lightly, an organization which promotes responsible use of our nation’s public lands.

Become a Member of Creeper Jeepers

To sign up as a member, fill out the required form below. After the form is submitted you will be redirected to a page where you can pay your dues with “Pay with CheddarUp”. Both the form and payment must be completed to become an active member of the Club! Any questions, email us at