The Creeper Jeepers Gang in the news…

The Creeper Jeepers Gang has contributed to helping our community in various ways. Here are some of the stories in which our club has made a positive impact.

Black Bear Pass

The Creeper Jeepers doing trail maintenance on the iconic Black Bear Pass Road.

La Plata Canyon and Kennebec Pass

Keeping our wilderness clean by removing graffiti on top of Kennebec Pass.

La Plata Canyon and Kennebec Pass

Keeping Colorado Beautiful’s Facebook page summarizes the graffiti cleanup in La Plata Canyon with before and after photos.

Mount Blanca near Alamosa

Hiking the Mount Blanca Jeep Trail to Como Lake…a hiker’s perspective of our adopted trail.

Do good. Stay the Trail. Tread lightly.

4Low Magazine has a nice article about our 25th Anniversary and our work on Elwood Pass in 2017.

Mount Blanca near Alamosa

We were chosen as the June 2018 featured club by the Blue Ribbon Coalition.  We want to thank them for honoring us for the Mount Blanca Jeep Trail to Como Lake.

San Juan Mountains Association Adopt a Road Program

Award of Excellence for our work on Elwood Pass 2017