Chokecherry Canyon Spring Cleanup
Anyone willing to help out our neighbors in Farmington, head on down!
Sponsored by WM, AE Properties + EXP Realty, Cliffhangers Four Wheel Drive Forum, Canyon Off Road Association
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April 5th • 8am-4pm
Volunteer Lunch at Noon by Allen Elmore + AE Properties
Bags, Sunscreen, Refreshments for Volunteers
Volunteer Prize Drawing at 4pm
2.7mi North of Pinon Hills Blvd on Glade Rd. Across from Brown Springs Campground and Competition Area.
36.803016, -108.179394

Moab Easter Jeep Safari
Many CJG members participate in this event. Go to https://www.rr4w.com/ for details of the Red Rock 4 Wheelers Easter Jeep Safari.

Jax Trax or Elephant Hill
Thursday Fun Run: Whether the club runs Jax Trax or Elephant Hill is to be determined based on weather and interest. Elephant Hill requires a permit and is limited to 3 vehicles per group. Details will be announced as time gets closer. Thanks Brian D. for volunteering to lead this run!

Lime Creek, Spud Lake 4x4/Hike Combo
Join us for a 4x4/hike combo with a drive up Lime Creek Rd and a hike to Spud Lake. The hike is a relatively easy 2 mile out and back (total miles) with an approximate 500 foot elevation gain. After the hike, we will continue north on Lime Creek Rd for the remaining 8 miles. More details to come.

Highway Cleanup
Meet at PJ’s Gourmet Market at Trimble Crossing, north of Durango (67 Trimble Ln, off Hwy 550) at 9:00 am for a 9:30 am departure. You will be supplied with a safety vest, trash grabber, and a garbage bag. After highway cleanup, we will do a leisurely Jeep run up Kendall Mountain, weather permitting. We will return to Silverton for lunch/pizza at Goldenblock Brewery.

Dollar Lake/Lime Mesa Rd 4x4/Hike Combo
We will make our way up Missionary Ridge to Henderson Lake (17 miles). Then we will take Henderson Lake Rd to the Lime Mesa Trailhead (5 miles). The hiking begins here. Though this is not a technical hiking trail, it is 1.8 miles one way, with 1,100 feet in elevation gain and climbing up to 12,000 feet. Only experienced hikers are encouraged to attend. Weather permitting and more details to come.

Run the Passes
Thursday Fun Run: Corkscrew, Hurricane, California, Engineer, Picayune, and/or Placier. Details to come as the date gets closer. Thanks Brian D. for volunteering to lead.

American Basin, Sloan Lake 4x4/Hike Combo
This is a Monday trip in an attempt to avoid crowds. Sloan Lake is along the popular route up Handies Peak. The elevation at the trailhead is 11,600 feet and the lake is at 13,000 feet. The trail climbs almost 1,400 feet in the 1.6 miles to the lake. This is a strenuous hike. Experienced hikers recommended. Weather permitting. More details to come.

Highway Cleanup
Meet at PJ’s Gourmet Market at Trimble Crossing, north of Durango (67 Trimble Ln, off Hwy 550) at 9:00 am for a 9:30 am departure. You will be supplied with a safety vest, trash grabber, and a garbage bag. After highway cleanup, we will head up U.S. Basin with a stop at the Brooklyn Mine for a picnic lunch.

Run the Gulches
Thursday Fun Run: Eureka, Maggie, and Minnie. Details will be announced as the date gets closer. Thanks to Brian D. for volunteering to lead.

Stony Pass to Kite Lake
Thursday Fun Run; Check back later for details. Thanks to Brian D. for leading the way!

Highway Cleanup
Meet at PJ’s Gourmet Market at Trimble Crossing, north of Durango (67 Trimble Ln, off Hwy 550) at 9:00 am for a 9:30 am departure. You will be supplied with a safety vest, trash grabber, and a garbage bag. After highway cleanup, we will head up Bullion King Lake Rd. At the end of this 5 mile road, there is a non-technical hike (less than a half mile) to Bullion King Lake and a bit further to Porphyry Lake. Bring a picnic lunch. Weather permitting.

Board Meeting
A Teams link will be sent out to all members via email. We will be discussing Board nominations. All members are welcome to join the meeting.

Valentine’s Day Bowling
Members, put on your bowling shoes and join us at Sky Ute Casino for an afternoon of bowling. No experience necessary. Just bring smiles. Time to be determined.

CJG Member Meeting
Please join us at our regular membership meeting. We will be voting on whether to implement a complete overhaul of our current bylaws. These proposed bylaws are intended to be more aligned with modern social activity by conducting the business aspect virtually. This will allow our Board of Directors to focus on planning events rather than attending meetings.
This meeting is open to the public. If you can’t attend in person, but want to learn about the club, you can join virtually by clicking on one of the links below.
Microsoft Teams
Click here to join via online =>Join the meeting now
Dial in by phone =>+1 970-812-0909
Phone conference ID: 512 773 733#

CJG Board Meeting
All members are welcome to attend!
Your comments, questions, and/or suggestions for the proposed bylaws revision will be reviewed at the board meeting rescheduled for Wednesday, January 22, at 6:30 p.m. at the San Juan Public Lands Office, in Durango. We hope to have a working copy of bylaws to bring to the February meeting to be voted on and adopted as the CJG new bylaws.

CJG Member Meeting CANCELLED
The Board has been hard at work behind the scenes revising our bylaws. Look for a draft of the proposed bylaws in your email soon. We encourage member feedback before we present our final draft for approval at the February meeting.
This is a slow time of year for four wheeling. Many are busy catching up from the holidays. To give us all a break, this month’s meeting is CANCELLED. Be ready to hit the ground running at the February meeting. Spring will be here before we know it.
The Creeper Jeepers Gang wishes you a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2025!

Bayfield Lighted Parade
The Bayfield Lighted Parade is scheduled for Sunday, December 22. We will escort Santa through the residential neighborhoods. Santa will be on a firetruck for the kids to enjoy. Meet at the Bayfield High School at 5:00 pm to decorate and leave at 6:00 pm on Sunday December 22nd.

Christmas Party and Silent Auction
Last year was a great success, so we plan to do it again this year. The silent auction raised approximately $1,200, which was donated to the La Plata County Humane Society and the local family advocate center. If you would like to volunteer to help organize this event, please reach out to us.

CANCELLED! Monthly CJG Club Meeting
CANCELLED! We will see you at the Christmas party! Happy holidays!

Fins N Things
Pending weather. Meet fueled up and prepared with snacks and water at 10 am at the Sand Flats Recreation Lot. We will air down here. If time permits, we will run Hell’s Revenge too! Go to Grand County’s website to pay entrance fee ahead of time.

CJG Board Meeting
All members are welcome to attend!
This meeting will be via Teams. You will be getting a link in your email.
The Board of Directors will be discussing the future of our club. Members, feel free to bring your fresh ideas to our brainstorming session. We strongly encourage you to attend.

3rd Saturday of Every Month Fun Run
3rd Saturday OR any day of week OR weekend Fun Run – Need trail and volunteer leader.

Veterans Day Parade
Need a volunteer Organizer/Leader. Leader can contact David Latham at the VFW in Durango (cmd@vfw4031.org) to find out the details on parade lineup, time, etc. Parade is on a Monday this year, and is usually in the afternoon.

Rock Garden
A great opportunity to learn and brush up on skills. Pack a lunch.
Meet at Dollar General in Aztec at 9:00 am, leave at 9:30 am. Kevin H. is planning on meeting anyone who wants to caravan from Durango at the Maverik at 8:30 am.
This is an old competition area, possibly a WeRock event. It can be as easy or as hard as you want to make it. The main trail is a dirt road, then there are obstacles everywhere off the road. It is good for everyone, as you can learn what your rig can do (and you) or just go and watch. The hardest stuff is strictly for buggies. From the very back of the play area, it only takes 10-15 minutes to exit and be back on the highway. It is located on the road between Aztec and Navajo Dam and is closer to Navajo Dam.

3rd Saturday of Every Month Fun Run
3rd Saturday OR any day of week OR weekend Fun Run – Need trail and volunteer leader.

Brown's Gulch and Black Bear Pass
Organizers/co-Leaders Kevin Fox (505-360-1007)/Karin Freeman (970-903-8897). Run Brown's Gulch (CR14) north of Silverton to the gate on the east side of Black Bear Pass. (Reminder: the downhill run into Telluride from BBP is closed for the rest of the season.) We will evaluate our section of Adopt-a-Trail to the pass, do some trail cleanup/maintenance, and clean stickers off the BBP sign, as needed. Meet at PJ’s Market at Trimble Crossing north of Durango at 9:00 am, leaving for Silverton at 9:30 am. More details to come....

Monthly CJG Club Meeting
Extension Building. A place to do a little business, meet new members, ask or answer questions, and hear what the club is up to. Everyone is welcome! Board member nominations are due. Election will be at our November 5th club meeting.

Stony Pass and Kite Lake
Mariah is going to run Stony Pass to Kite Lake on September 28th. It’s going to be a long day on trail, so leave time is 9am from Whistlestop in Silverton. Bring snacks/lunch and a camera if you’d like!
Let me know if you’re planning to come and hopefully see y’all out there! Otherwise, have a great fall!

3rd Saturday of Every Month Fun Run
3rd Saturday OR any day of week OR weekend Fun Run – Need trail and volunteer leader.

Adaptive Sports Run
**More Details to come**
Thank you to Lee Hagar for organizing this event.
We are looking for RSVP(s) to be a driver for this event
Need to know how many seats you will have available for the participants.
This will let us know how many participants can participate. As of right now Adaptive Sports has 12 participants that would like to attend. Of course the number of participants will depend on our participation.
The plan as of right now is to drive up Lime Creek Rd to the meadow, have lunch & return. The Adaptive Sports participants will meet at the ASA building at Purgatory.
**More Details to come**
Thanks again to Lee.

Monthly CJG Club Meeting
A place to do a little business, meet new members, ask or answer questions, and hear what the club is up to. Everyone is welcome!

Elwood Pass Clean-up
Karin Freeman, leader. Meet at 9:00 am at the Junction Restaurant parking lot (401 E Pagosa St; it's the last building on the right of Hwy 160 just before the Hwy 84 junction). Gas available next to the restaurant, or across the highway. Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:30 am departure to head to the East Fork Campground staging area to air-down. Feel free to camp at the campground or up the East Fork Road (dispersed camping) prior to the run. If you do, meet us at the staging area at 9:45am or watch for us to pass your campsite around 10:00 - 10:15am. We will be trying to trim back brush to prevent pinstriping, fixing some of our picnic tables, and looking for mudholes and other areas that may need work

Highway Cleanup #2
Meet at PJ’s Gourmet Market at Trimble Crossing, north ofDurango (67 Trimble Ln, off Hwy 550) at 9:00 am for a 9:30 am departure. If you miss the group departure, proceed to the cleanup location on Hwy 550 just before Molas Pass. Our section of highway begins past Mile Marker (MM) 61, where the two lanes climbing uphill merge into one. The club typically parks at a forested turnoff on the left (north) side of the highway at approximately MM 62.5.
After the clean up:
Ed Rosenthal and Rick Hagar would like to invite everyone to join them on the Lime Creek road. Will travel from North to South with a stop perhaps at the campground or pond at Spud Lake trailhead.
Mariah Klingler will also be going over to Picayune/Pacer over into California Pass.
As a reminder, everyone is welcome to attend, even if you are not a member. However, please complete our waiver form and bring it with you to turn over to the trail leader.